19 April - Good Friday - Learn 8 Important Rituals
April 19 Good Friday / Holi Friday / Black Friday / Great Friday : 
Good Friday is also called Holly Friday, Black Friday or Great Friday. This festival is celebrated by the people of Christianity in celebration of death due to crucifixion of Christ in Calvary. This festival is celebrated during the holy week, which falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday and is followed as part of the Paštisk Tridam and it often falls with the Passover of the Jews.

Hello, Namskar, Friends
Friends, The Lord Jesus Christ was sacrificed on Good Friday. On this day, the Lord Jesus, who gave the message of love and knowledge, was crucified by the fundamentalists. Good Friday is known as Holy Day, Black Day, Great Friday. Let's know some rituals related & More Important information to Good Friday.

19 April Good Friday Technical Prajapati

8 Rituals about Good Friday

⬤ The people of the Christian community fast on Good Friday. On this day people also eat hot sweet loaves as offerings.

⬤ Many people also express fasting for 40 days before expressing their gratitude for this sacrifice. Which is called 'lent'.

⬤ On Friday, the Lord Jesus Christ was hanged on the cross, yet why is it called Good Friday? Actually it is believed that after the death of Lord Jesus, they were born again, due to which this day is called Good Friday.

⬤ On the third day of Good Friday, that is, the next Sunday of Jesus Christ was resurrected, it is called Easter Sunday.

⬤ On this day, the objects of decoration are removed from the churches and houses or they are covered with cloth.

⬤ There are no horse races on this day in many western countries including the UK.

⬤ On Good Friday, people do not play hours in the church, but special prayer is done on this day and the sound of wood is raised.

⬤ People on Good Friday start fasting from 40 days in advance.

Related Rituals : Good Friday

⬤ In many countries where Christian tradition is strictly followed, such as Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Philippines, Mexico, Venezuela, Caribbean countries, Germany, Malta, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain , This day is followed as a public or a federal holiday.

⬤ In the United States there is no national festival on Good Friday at the federal level, different states and municipalities can celebrate holiday. Private businesses and some other institutions may or may not close to Good Friday according to their priorities. The stock market is closed on Good Friday. Whatever, the vast majority of businesses are open on Good Friday. Some government schools can leave the holiday as a 'spring break' due to the primacy of secularism. Postal service is on and the Federal Government-operated banks do not stop working on Good Friday.

⬤ Most of the English-speaking countries, such as Singapore, are shutting most of the shops and some advertisements are removed from television and radio broadcasts.

⬤ In South Africa, on this day the government opens businesses and operates entertainment centers (as it happens on Christmas Day). All government offices, schools and some special businesses are closed on this day according to the law. Selling and buying alcohol is prohibited.

⬤ In Canada, banks and government (at all levels) and public sector businesses are closed with most of the policy sector businesses, except Québec where government offices and schools are closed but most of the business in the policy sector (Except for the bank) are open.

⬤ In India, Good Friday is also a holiday in the state as well as Central holiday, although the stock markets are generally closed. Some states like Assam, Goa and Kerala, where there is no majority in the majority of the population, despite the majority of the population (where there is a medium number of Christians, many other businesses are also closed) but most of the business in the rest of the country is good Are open on Fridays. Most schools are closed on Good Friday.

⬤ Kites are bred in Bermuda. Often these kites are handmade with the help of wood, colorful tissue paper, gum and string. Kite size and wood use symbolize the cross on which Jesus died. Also, flying kites in the sky symbolizes their origin for heaven.

⬤ Muslim majority in Indonesia, Good Friday is a national holiday. All government offices, schools, some special businesses are closed on Good Friday on law and many newspapers decide not to publish this day. It is considered as a government holiday in Singapore and in the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak.

⬤ In Hong Kong, all business establishments and government offices are closed for public festivals.

Ireland primarily bans all alcohols sold to a Catholic country, Good Friday. Banks and government institutions are closed on this day, but this is not a government bank holiday (government leave), so many offices and other workplaces are open. And all pubs and many restaurants in Ireland are closed on this day - in this case it's the same as Christmas Day. This tradition has been criticized recently, when secular traders linked religious festivals with losses in their earnings.

⬤In Germany, theater dramas exhibitions and events, which include public dance, are considered illegal on this day (although this restriction is applied in a loose way); Movies and television are not affected, although many television channels show religious rituals on this day. In the last decade, these rules were strongly opposed to strict implementation of non-Christians.

Friends, Traditionally, Roman Catholics abstain from meat eating every Friday as austerity. Nowadays, these rules are followed only during the Chalisa Fridays; During the second Friday of the year, other methods of penance are adopted, an additional prayer as an example. As a modern tradition, many Roman Catholics (and members of other Christian classes) have vegetables and fish on Good Friday. There is no horse racing in the UK on Good Friday, although in 2008, gambling houses were kept open for the first time on this day. The BBC airs the news on Radio 4 at 7 a.m. on Good Friday for many years, starting with the song 'Wayne I Survey the Wonders Cross' of its hymns.

Poem of good friday

Great Joseph,
When he brought your holy body down from the tree,
Mashed wrapped in velvet,
Coated with spices and put it in a new tomb.
Give glory to father and son and holy spirit,
For many generations now and for the future
The angel came to the woman of the tomb of the tomb and said,
The olfactory is okay for the dead,
But Jesus has shown himself unaware of corruption

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